Weekly Meeting – November 7, 2022

On Monday, November 7, in honor of Native American Heritage Month, we will hear from Steph Littlebird, who curated the Five Oaks Museum’s exhibition: “This IS Kalapuyan Land”. Come hear about her personal history and journey as an artist, the curation of this nationally-recognized exhibition, and the history of her native people.

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 865 0082 8078
Passcode: 662429

As a friendly reminder, if the Zoom link isn’t working in the newsletter or the website, an alternative option for accessing any Zoom meeting is to visit the Zoom website directly at www.zoom.com, and perform the following:

1) In the top right corner, click on “Join a Meeting”.
2) Enter the “Meeting ID” provided above.
3) Enter the “Passcode” when prompted