Join the Forum

Memberships sustain the Forum in its mission to provide information about public issues in Washington County. Anyone may attend a meeting, but asking questions of our speakers and watching recordings of meetings is a privilege of paid membership. Our program season begins September 1 and ends in June. Yearly memberships run from January 1 until December 31.

The Forum offers six membership levels:

  • Enrolled Student $15/year.
  • Individual $50/year.
  • Micro Business (10 or fewer employees) $100/year.
  • Small Business (11-100 employees) $150/year.
  • Large Business (more than 100 employees) $250/year.
  • Non-profit, Government or Educational Institution $150/year.

The three business and the non-profit organizational categories have the benefit that any of their staff may attend meetings and ask questions of speakers just as individual members can.

Organizations in these categories have one vote at the annual meeting, so are asked to provide the name of the voting member each year.

To join or renew a membership, purchase a membership online or send your check to:

Washington County Public Affairs Forum
P.O. Box 1681
Beaverton, Oregon 97075
(please include name, phone and email)

If you are paying for an organization, the Forum will ask for the name of your organization’s voting representative (one person).

Thank you for your membership in the Washington County Public Affairs Forum. We appreciate your involvement.

For more information contact the Forum President at