Weekly Meeting – May 15, 2023

The Willamette Water Supply Program that is a $1.6 Billion drinking water infrastructure investment by the Tualatin Valley Water District and the cities of Hillsboro and Beaverton.

Dave Kraska, the director of the WWSP will provide an overview of the WWSP, the benefits to the region from the new water supply infrastructure, and other information including costs, ownership, and construction updates. 

Join us at the Beaverton City Library in the Cathy Stanton Room or 

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Meeting ID: 823 3014 2316
Passcode: 945107

As a friendly reminder, if the Zoom link isn’t working in the newsletter or the website, an alternative option for accessing any Zoom meeting is to visit the Zoom website directly at www.zoom.com, and perform the following:

1) Near the top right of black bar, click on “Join”.
2) Enter the “Meeting ID” provided above.
3) Enter the “Passcode” when prompted