Weekly Meeting – March 27, 2023

Debbi Lauchner,  Beaverton Finance Director will  present what services are provided to our Beaverton Community and the challenges faced by the City. You can join us in person at the Beaverton City Hall in the Council Chambers or virtually. Feel free to come a little early. Tables will be set up if you would like to eat so you can bring a lunch or grab one from the neighboring restaurants or the BG Food Cartel across the street.

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 820 7479 8547
Passcode: 884521

As a friendly reminder, if the Zoom link isn’t working in the newsletter or the website, an alternative option for accessing any Zoom meeting is to visit the Zoom website directly at www.zoom.com, and perform the following:

1) Near the top right of black bar, click on “Join”.
2) Enter the “Meeting ID” provided above.
3) Enter the “Passcode” when prompted