Weekly Meeting – April 3, 2023

Hillsboro City Manager Robby Hammond will provide an overview of City revenue sources; City services, projects, and programs; and how funds are allocated to cover the costs of those services, projects, and programs.

You can join us via Zoom or in person at the Beaverton City Library at 12375 SW 5th St in the Cathy Stanton Room (the first room on the left in the entry hall. Tables will be set up if you would like to bring a lunch.

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 882 2119 8319
Passcode: 055880

As a friendly reminder, if the Zoom link isn’t working in the newsletter or the website, an alternative option for accessing any Zoom meeting is to visit the Zoom website directly at www.zoom.com, and perform the following:

1) Near the top right of black bar, click on “Join”.
2) Enter the “Meeting ID” provided above.
3) Enter the “Passcode” when prompted